daniel chester french bahasa Inggris
- daniel: book of daniel; ahmad.daniyal;
- chester: chester
- french: daniel chester french; french
- daniel: book of daniel; ahmad.daniyal; ahmad.daniyal|sandbox; daniel (biblical figure); daniel
- chester a. arthur: chester a. arthur; arthur; chester alan arthur; president arthur
- chester arthur: chester alan arthur; arthur; chester a. arthur; president arthur
- chester nimitz: chester w. nimitz; nimitz; chester nimitz; admiral nimitz; chester william nimitz
- katedral chester: chester cathedral
- french arrondissement: infobox french arrondissement
- french communate: infobox french communauté
- french congo: french congo; congo; republic of the congo
- french guinea: republic of guinea; french guinea; guinea
- french oceania: french polynesia; french oceania
- french polynesia: french oceania; french polynesia
- french republic: france; french republic
- The National Geographic Society's publication "Pinpointing the Past in Washington, D.C." states that Daniel Chester French had a son who was deaf and that the sculptor was familiar with sign language.
Terbitan National Geographic Society berjudul "Pinpointing the Past in Washington, D.C." menyatakan bahwa Daniel Chester French memiliki seorang anak laki-laki yang tuli dan French terbiasa dengan bahasa isyarat.